The “Validated by EFQM” Certifications to business companies in Armenia

Validated by EFQM Certifications to business companies in Armenia


The “Validated by EFQM” Certifications to business companies in Armenia

The Armenian NGO Development Principles, a partner of the transnational EXCELTOUR project, hold on 30th June 2022 in the premises of Ani Plaza hotel in the center of Yerevan, an offline conference to present the results of the project.



The conference started with the Ambassador of Romania in Armenia Mr. Cornel Ionescu, who highlighted the importance of this initiative for supporting entrepreneurship in the tourism sector and enhancing its competitiveness.

Dr. Anahit Ghazanchyan, President & CEO of Development Principles NGO presented as the major result of the project, that eleven tourism–related business companies assessed and certified, as “Validated by EFQM” companies using the EFQM Model.

Dr. Ghazanchyan expressed her deeply satisfaction for the EFQM services delivered by INBIAN and also shared the future plans and related activities to make EFQM a recognizable and desirable brand name for enterprises in Armenia.

On behalf of INBIAN’s BoD, the CEO Dr. Ioannis Bertsatos in his short speech congratulated the companies’ representatives and their people for their achievement and also thanked the Armenian partner for the excellent cooperation. He emphasized that INBIAN remains committed to the effective promotion of the EFQM Business Excellence philosophy across the world through the provision of high-quality training, advisory and recognition services to organisations and their people, as the most viable route for achieving sustainability and growth.

The event was concluded by the ceremony of handing over the EFQM certificates and awards to the representatives of the eleven business companies in Armenia.

Validated by EFQM companies:

1. Hyur Service LLC 2. Armenian Villas 3. Dargett LLC 4. Republica LLC 5. Food Republic LLC 6. Tufenkian Heritage Hotels 7. ACTI Group 8. Park Resort Aghveran 9.Berlin ART Hotel 10. Yell Extreme Park 11. Tsakhkunq Guest House – Tsakhkunq Chef House

The “Validated by EFQM” Certifications to business companies in Armenia


Through the EXCELLTOUR project, the 6 partners from 5 countries aim at improving the quality of management and increasing the competitiveness of the business companies by introducing and applying the concept of Business Excellence in tourism SME’s using the internationally recognized Excellence Model of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) targeting mainly to ensure sustainability of tourism.

For more details, please browse project website

 EXCELTOUR project is co-financed by EU through ENI CBC Joint Operational  Programme BLACK SEA BASIN 2014-2020.

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