Institute for Sustainability & Growth

Institute for Sustainability & Growth (INBIAN), is a nonprofit civil organisation with a mission to support and deliver the philosophy of Business Excellence across Greece and to contribute to the promotion, dissemination and adoption of modern management principles, methods and practices for enterprises and organisations in the private and public sector. It addresses medium and top-level executives as an exceptional excellence and sustainability tool to manage transformation, resilience, digitalization and creation of value.

INBIAN is a Gold Member of EFQM and the Exclusive National Partner Organisation of EFQM in Greece.

As an EFQM Accredited Recognition & Training Organization, it has the appropriate mechanisms, skills, experience and knowledge to effectively promote EFQM Business Excellence philosophy across the world through the provision of high-quality training and recognition services to organisations and their people, as the most viable route for achieving sustainability and growth.
INBIAN has already developed a strong and effective management network, as a hub of management expertise, and possesses a leading role in its territory in the following areas:

  •  The EFQM Recognition programs
  •  EFQM Certified Training programs
  •  Training & Development services to enterprises and business executives
  •  Consulting and coaching services to enterprises
  •  Participation in National and International Network activities
  •  Conducting and participating in business researches for the management principles and global megatrends
  •  Strategic partnerships with major certification bodies, public and private educational and training institutions offering training courses in management, sustainability, business and/or quality assurance vocations
  •  Partnerships and memorandums with national and international business management associations
  •  Synergies with Chambers of Commerce and Industry

INBIAN has a strong presence with key note speakers in various business events and conferences, while on a yearly basis, it organises the Business Excellence EFQM Award Ceremony to honor the organisations from Greece that achieve recognition to the EFQM certification programs.
INBIAN’s BoD and its team of experts is committed and work together with Government Officials and major public unions in our country as well as in Brussels to promote and emphasise that the EFQM Model is a highly effective and modern management tool, focused on the principles for sustainable and socially responsible organisations, supporting them in their quest to prepare with the best means possible so as to achieve resilience & competitiveness in a rapidly changing business environment.