A prestigious EFQM AWARD CEREMONY 2022


Athens, 25th November 2022

Press Release


“Quality, Sustainability and Resilience”


A prestigious Award Ceremony was held by INΒIAN to reward organisations with proven commitment to a sustainable future of Excellence!


The «EFQM AWARD CEREMONY 2022» was held with great success by INBIAN on 24th of November at Athens Chamber of Commerce & Industry (A.C.C.I) to award companies and organisations from the public and private sector for their recognitions in the EFQM certification programs.


More than 200 delegates, CΕΟs, Senior Managers & Business Executives, as well as Academics, Representatives of National Chambers and other Bodies were warmly welcomed by Mr. Nikos Vasiliou, Chairman of INBIAN BoD, and Dr. Ioannis Bertsatos, CEO of INBIAN.


Μrs. Sophia Kounenaki-Efraimoglou, President of A.C.C.I. BoD, gave short welcome speech as hostess of the prestigious event.


Mr. Antonis Gortzis, Chairman of EBEN Greece, gave a keynote speech on “Excellence-Ethos-Meritocracy-Democracy”.


The prestigious ceremony was greeted by the Minister of Finance, Mr. Christos Staikouras, the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Mr. Kostis Xatzidakis, the Deputy Minister of Development and Investments, Mr. Ioannis Tsakiris, the Secretary General for Tourism Policy and Development, Mrs. Olympia Anastasopoulou, as well as by the National Representative of HERA (European Health Emergency preparedness and Response Authority), Mr. Vasilis Kontozamanis and the Regional Governor of Attica, Mr. George Patoulis.


It was also a great pleasure for the audience and the representatives of the recognised companies to hear a message of congratulations from EFQM CEO, Mr. Russel Longmuir.


The first certifications were awarded to the group of 10 companies from the region of Macedonia that participated in the EU project funded by “ENI CBC Joint Operational Programme BLACK SEA BASIN 2014-2020” under the title “EXCELTOUR – Business Excellence in Tourism”, which successfully completed the “Validated by EFQM” certification program.


Subsequently, the following organisations were awarded in the EFQM Certification Programs:

1 . Validated by EFQM

  • Alert Shipping Agencies
  • Hippocratio Hospital of Athens – Emergency Department
  • Hippocratio Hospital of Athens – Operations Theatre in New Building
  • Municipal Public Benefit Organisation of Kavala “Dimofelia”
  • Hotel Xanthippeion

2. Qualified by EFQM

  • Makedonia Palace

3. Recognised by EFQM 4 Star

  • Minetta Insurance

4. Recognised by EFQM 5 Star

  • LAMDA Flisvos Marina SA
  • egg – enter grow go | EUROBANK
    Business Incubator – Accelerator
  • PHĀEA Resorts
  • bluegr Resorts & Hotels

Special thanks to our Sponsor: Ernst & Young (EY)

Special thanks to our Media Sponsors: Direction Business Network, BnBDaily, FnBDaily, ESGreece, Skywalker.gr, Stentoras.gr



Under the aegis


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